How to grow marketing and BD teams in a tight market

How To Grow Marketing, Biz Dev Teams in a Tight Market

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Ambition's Associate Director, Ben Curle, recently published an article in Law360 titled "How To Grow Marketing and Biz Dev Teams In A Tight Market,"

In the article, Ben provides some guidance to marketing directors on the importance of a smooth and efficient hiring process as well as identifying a potential difference-maker -- firm and marketing/BD team culture -- as a way to attract and retain top talent.

He also offers some advice to individuals considering their next career move in the current market. 

As Ben wrote, "At a time when competition in the legal market is fierce, and every point of differentiation could potentially be a game-changing competitive advantage, firms are increasingly looking to grow best-in-class marketing and business development teams. The problem is, firm operating costs are also rising, and that has translated into increased pressure on firms to artfully thread the needle between flawless execution of their strategic priorities and judicious investment in their marketing and business development talent."

Read the full Law 360 article here or read a PDF version of the article here.

​If you have any comments, questions, or feedback on this article, please feel free to reach out to Ben Curle directly.
